maandag 7 september 2015

An (authentic) Bedouin experience

After a beautiful day in Petra, we left early to be in time to see the sunset in Wadi Rum. We spent the night there at the Hillawi Camp. We had gotten some information about the camp beforehand and based on that I was expecting an authentic Bedouin and also a bit primitive night. At the arrival we were all happily surprised by the facilities of the camp but when I settled with Ginger in our double room I was on the other hand also a bit shocked by all the luxuries in the camp.  Each double room has an own bathroom with shower, electricity was always available and  even wireless internet in the middle of the desert! For me, too much luxuries to experience a authentic Bedouin night.
MacCannell first mentioned this concept and explained that tourist behaviours are widely shaped by an implicit search for authentic experiences as a reaction to the inauthentic and superficial qualities of modern life.1 MacCannell based his theory on work by Goffman who argued that social spaces are divided into front and back areas. MacCannell argued that tourists are searching for the (inaccessible) authentic experiences of the back area but usually confronted with the front area.1  Wang talked about an ‘existential’ authenticity which tourists reconnect with their real selves through engagement with diverse tourism practice.1 This way, a beach holiday, which has nothing to do with authentic experiences according to MacCannell, can be regarded as authentic by tourists. So, in many situations there is no single, authentic experience. Perhaps this explains why the reviews about the Hillawi Camp on the internet range from ‘real bedouin experience’ to ‘not authentic’.
After settling, we climbed up high rocks to see and enjoy the beautiful sunset. That evening we enjoyed dinner prepared by the Bedouins and the dance floor with Arabic and, special for us, Western music....  
Williams S. (2009) Chapter 6: socio-cultural relations in tourism (p.134-156). In Tourism Geography A new synthesis. Routledge 
Hillawi Rose Sand Camp

Beautiful sunset

Enjoying the sunset on a high rock

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Wat een mooie tijd heb je gehad in Jordanië!
    Dit moet zeker een mooie en leerzame ervaring geweest zijn :)
    In één van je verhalen schreef je dat er weinig andere toeristen waren maar je hebt Jordanië goed weten te promoten. Door het lezen van je blogs en het zien van je jaloersmakende foto's heb je mij zeker enthousiast gemaakt om hier een keer heen te gaan.
    Voor nu weer veel succes met de studie!

    1. Bedankt voor je leuke reactie. Het was inderdaad echt een onvergetelijke ervaring! Mocht je ooit besluiten om naar Jordanië te gaan, dan mag je altijd contact met je opnemen op tips en adviezen!
